Sep 21, 2010

Run around

So my first week at work finished with flying colors :D I'm the baby at the company, so everyone is really helpful. I'm really enjoying work so far, it's stretching me in so many new ways. Like using muscles I never even knew I had before. Having to research so much is making SO much more aware of the world around me, and not just in relation to Japan but globally. I also can't complain about having to keep up with updates on the iPhone and getting paid for it haha.

On Wednesday went out for dinner with Asano to a Vietnamese restaurant in Ikebukuro. They have an AMAZING dessert that's a ginger shirodama (mochi ball filled with sugared ginger + covered in warm ginger sauce) that made me all warm and cozy heehee. Need to be going back a lot during the winter I think~ After that we went to karaoke and sang (of course) Sweet Vacation songs :D Very good night and can't wait to hang out with her again~

On Thursday we had our company party celebrating the 17th anniversary of it, which was a BLAST. Getting to talk with everyone was a nice change, since our offices are divided by department. Ate too much (and yes mom I got FLAN), laughed too much, and can't wait to hang out with the IT staff again, since I somehow got seated between all of them. Good good times~

On Friday I FINALLY opened a bank account, yay!! They even let me choose the cover of my cheque register, so I got DISNEY heh!! Then got my teiki (unlimited commuter pass), so I have been GREATLY using that for shopping purposes along my line...*cough* Even bought a dresser! Which I am currently putting together, shall post a photo later.

On Saturday ran errands and went to Saturday night service for the first time, which was AWESOME! It's much smaller than the Sunday services, so easier to connect with people. I somehow ended up on welcome team for that too rofl, don't know how this keeps happening. Anyway met some more amazing people there, so excited to be serving. On Sunday had church again and met cool peeps, so enjoying that as well~

Monday was a national holiday (Respect the elderly/aged Day), though I saw nothing promoting it...maybe just me ^^; Anyway did more home/decor shopping then met up with the Yoshida family, who I tutored last year. OH MY GOSH, the kids are getting so big (as big as 2,4 and 5 year olds can be heh)!! Daichi, the youngest, can somewhat talk now so it was SO CUTE when he was like "HELLOOOO" and "NEEECHAN" (big sister) to me. Also loved his accent when he tried to say otoshichatta (oops, i dropped it) while eating ice, but it came out "otattaaaa" XD Shouma (oldest) was like "Let's go home now~" but when his mom explained that meant he needed to say goodbye to me, he was like "Iyadaaa, neechan tomatte ii jan!" (I don't wanna, can't sis just sleep over) haha~ Can't wait to see them again <3


  1. That mochi ginger dessert sounded soo yummy~~ Jealous jealous... hehehe
    Congrats on your first week at work!!! I'm glad you are doing so well :D
    Keep me posted on all things Japan. I will hopefully be mailing you something next month ^_^

  2. Hoa>
    It was really yummy! And not too expensive either. Let's go together sometime :D

    YES, SO YUMMY! Please come here and try it :D And yay, looking forward to the delivery heehee~

  3. Thanks for the update. Sounds like so much fun - lots of parties and food. Not to mention karaoke and FLAN!!!!!
